Outdoor Advertising in Limon, CO
Limon offers advertisers the ability to target a tremendous amount of Colorado’s tourist traffic traveling along the I-70 corridor. No matter what direction road trippers are headed – whether it’s Denver, Colorado Springs, or the many popular mountain resorts – our outdoor advertising in Limon will capture their attention. Not only does our billboard advertising target recreational travelers but it is also seen by a tremendous amount of commercial traffic. I-70 is a major east/west trucking route and our billboards can market specifically to this demographic. Whether it is an advertisement for recruitment, or for the newest truck stop just outside of town, our outdoor advertising will get the job done.
Why Outdoor Advertising in Limon, CO?
- Overnight Travelers: 36.3 million
- Total Spending: $21.1 Billion
- Average per Person Expenditures on Domestic Overnight Trips: $469
- Average Per Person Spend on Lodging: $127
- Activities During Trip: 60% Outdoor
- Activities During Trip: 60% Entertainment